Sunday, July 27, 2008

Haircuts, Royal Botanical Gardens and a great visit with Melbourne friends

The past few days have been busy with a wide variety of activities. On Thursday the boys, Colin and Alex, got their first Australian haircuts at, I kid you not, The Bald and the Beautiful. Then a little gelati on the way home followed up by movie night.

Friday, James went to the uni to complete his enrollment, the kids were off to school and Linton took the tram down to South Yarra to visit our friend Alex Davies (Macinnis) and her three beautiful kids. They had a wonderful time exploring the Royal Botanical Gardens, visiting and having coffee. James and Lint met up at the school, picked up the kids and then after a quick game of hide-n-seek in the park James went off to his first class!

Saturday was another busy day with James at school all day. Colin was off to tennis lessons and then Alex had his turn at gymastics. He even did a back flip on the rings! After a long but interesting class on Human Resource Management, James met Linton and the kids on the tram at the uni and we were off down to South Yarra to have dinner with Alex and Simon Davies and their family.

A wonderful time, with great wine and good convo, where we also had the pleasure of meeting Alex Moorehead, a good friend of Alex's from her Toronto days who is currently living in the UK but was in Aus on business and had come for a visit. Alex's sister, Kelly, is part of Linton's Tuesday night running group back in TO. The highlight of the night was trying to play Simon's Didjeridu, hearing Simon crack his whips, and getting a first class explanation of the The Man from Snowy River.

We piled oursleves onto the tram at 10:45 pm (!) and joined the drunks and the concert goers for an interesting slide home. Fell into bed around midnight, tired and content but ready to go to the market and maybe the zoo (again) tomorrow!

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