Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nov 18 - Sydney

Today was a going to be a big day. With all of Sydney stretched out before us we weren't really sure where to start. After hitting the hotel breakfast buffet hard, we set out to walk back down to Darling Harbour and check out the aquarium. Merely five minutes into our walk we stumbled upon a monorail station at Paddy's Market and decided to climb aboard. An all day family pass was a steal at about $20 and the monorail does a neat loop around the CBD allowing for the chance to jump out near a bunch of tourist spots. We took it around to the Pyrmont foot bridge and the kids, in particular Allie, loved it.

Of course all of the tourist attractions are set up to maximize the amount of money they are able to take from you at one go and at the aquarium we purchased a pass that gave us access to the aquarium, the wildlife zoo next door and the Sydney tower. It was so complicated in terms of the different prices and places I wasn't really sure if it was a deal at all but at least we now had a game plan.

The aquarium was quite good and the highlight was a huge room where the fish (including many sharks, huge rays and turtles) all swim over your head. Like scuba diving without the wetness. We were then on to a great city zoo next door that was divided into seven different areas for the seven different categories of animals found in Australia. The highlight might have been the insect exhibit where we saw the world's most dangerous spider - some sort of funnel web or trap door spider that actually lives all around Sydney! Yikes! This was a big hit with the kids along with the giant cockroaches and more venomous snakes. Soon we were off to the Harbourside of Darling Harbour for lunch and a bit of shopping. Lint and Al jumped back on the monorail while Colin and I walked.

After a so-so food court lunch we were once again back on the monorail and over to the city centre for a trip up the Sydney tower. Unfortunately, there were high winds which automatically shut down the elevators for 15 minutes. This was not good for two reasons: a) the anxiety created by a very high tower experiencing high winds b) Alex's patience threshold is low to nil so there was a need for some damage control there. Finally we were allowed to go up and it was well worth the wait. Great views of the harbour bridge and the opera house allowed us to get our bearings for the city and the boys' clambered all around the glass as if we were merely feet off the ground. The Sydney tower is not nearly as high as the CN Tower - maybe two thirds of the height, nor is it as high as the Eureka tower in Melbourne, but it's high enough. The unique thing about it is that it has many, many cables running up the full length of it as well as access to nine stories of decks.

Once we returned to terra firma we walked over and watched two short movies that were similar to the Soarin' ride we had done at Disney World. Watching a large screen you are strapped into a large seat that moves and shakes making it feel like you are moving and experiencing the things taking place on the screen. The first film was a tour of Australia and relatively tame but we stayed for the second which was a four minute thrill ride on a runaway rail cart through an abandoned mineshaft. I am getting old. Recalling my Reef Diver experience in Dreamworld I had to shut my eyes several times to keep the nausea at bay - thankfully Allie was totally fine.

We set about walking through downtown on our way back to Darling Harbour where an Imax film was to be our grand finale. The streets were absolutely jammed with people and we had fun watching and walking through the throng. We stumbled on a beautiful and old shopping arcade whose name escapes me but I am sure is famous. Linton and Colin did a bit of shopping while Allie and I watched the people.

An early dinner of popcorn helped to keep us busy while we waited for the movie to start. This day was for the boys and they had chosen to watch Santa vs. The Snowman in 3D - certainly not mom and dad's first choice. It was quite a lame effort - the kind that the kids love but really makes a parent feel like they are gettin totally fleeced. We eventually staggered our way back to the hotel where a swim and room service helped to cap off a very busy but very satisfying day. I hit the pillow looking forward to tomorrow where a ferry ride and the opera house were on the agenda!

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