It is time for my regular update, Linton here. As I write this entry, Canadians are heading to the polls for the national election, world markets are hopefully rallying, the US is in the last month leading up to their election and I am sipping coffee, watching daytime tv and waiting for my sick child to wake up. This is one of the luxuries of this year - simplifying life and being able to stay home when the boys are sick. Unfortunately, this is the fourth day Alex has been sick in the last 10 days....So yes I am a little bored but still appreciating the time that I have to be with the kids and to be a stay at home mom.
Just last week, I was invited to another mom's house for "morning tea". About 10 other moms were there and we sat down with formal china, scones with jam and cream and party sandwiches. Very lovely and nice to be included. The conversation was about all the usual topics - kids programs, renovations, private schools, holidays, in-laws, etc. Minus the Australian accent, I really could have closed my eyes and felt like I was with all my TO girlfriends. Amazing really. I would equate our neighbourhood in Melbourne (Carlton North) with the Annex in Toronto. Because of the proximity to the University, Carlton North is filled with professionals and individuals working either at one of the hospitals/universities. There is a mix of double income families, single parent families and stay at home moms with working dads. But I have been told by a few parents that most of the kids that attend our boys' school (Carlton North Primary School) will go on to attend private school in Year 7. So there is definite wealth in the neighbourhood. Like the Annex, Carlton North has mostly older houses and shops but this is part of the charm of the neighbourhood.
Our life in Carlton North has changed a bit now that it is Spring and the weather is "fine" outside:
* The local Y's outdoor pool has opened so we have starting swimming there (the boys start swimming lessons in November)
* The school has launched their SunSmart program and all kids must wear a wide-brimmed hat whenever they are outside (so now both boys have bucket hats that they have to wear everyday). We continue to be told how strong the Australian sun is.
* Visits are more frequent now to our local park's playground. Saturday mornings are full of the kids' activities that all take place from this park. Tennis at the courts in the park and soccer on one of the fields within the park.
I continue to religiously watch the exchange rate between Australian and Canadian currency. Because the Australian dollar has dropped in value significantly against the Canadian currency (approx 20 cents), I have been booking the rest of our year's travel fast and furiously to take advantage of the cost savings. My representative at the local Flight Centre thinks she has died and gone to heaven with the amount of bookings I have put through her in the last 2 months. Just yesterday, I started booking our flights home, if you can believe it...We are flying direct from Perth to Johannesburg on July 3rd to have a visit with Sarah and her family. Very exciting that finally we are taking the boys to see their cousins in Africa. Then we will go on from there to hopefully see more cousins and friends in London, flying from Joburg to London July 13th. I am waiting to book the London-Toronto leg until we figure out what we want to do in London and how long we will stay. The plan is to return to Toronto in time to enjoy the August long weekend with family.
Future travels include:
* Sydney-Ayer's Rock-Alice Springs-Adelaide (November 15-27)
* Hong Kong (Dec 3-7 Linton only!)
* Great Ocean Road, Lorne-Mt. Gambier then meeting Jane and Peter Darling in Adelaide, Apollo Bay then back to Melbourne for the Australian Open (Jan 18-Feb 3)
* New Zealand - Christchurch, Franz Joseph Glacier, Queenstown, Te Anau, Dunedin (April 4-14) with Mom and Bill
I know, we are so lucky to be doing all this! Can't wait...
Personally, I am between fundraising contracts. Just waiting to see if Children's Miracle Network needs my services over here. So for now - I continue to do my fitness class, volunteer with Alex's class and at school events, run, and manage the household activities. I do like the slower pace and the simplicity of our daily life but look forward to our upcoming travels...
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